How to Lower Creatinine Blood Levels
Get a complete physical exam. A high blood creatinine is only one piece of information. You and your doctor need to know about all of your health. A high blood creatinine level does not tell you or your doctor exactly what is wrong.
Follow your doctor’s advice. He can best determine what you need to do.
Drink plenty of fluids. Since not drinking enough may increase your blood creatinine level, make sure this is not the cause of the problem.
Reduce daily calorie intake. Eating less is helpful in keeping things like high blood sugar and high blood pressure under control. Both of these things can lead to kidney damage. Less body fat means less inflammation in all of your body's tissues.
Increase your physical activity. This will make reducing your food intake more effective. This also will help you maintain a healthy blood sugar and a healthy blood pressure.
Eat more of these foods that help keep your kidneys functioning better: onions, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cranberries, radishes, sprouts, turnips, and cucumbers. Eating omega 3-rich foods, fresh garlic, high fiber foods, fruit, and soy products are all good for your general health and for your kidneys.
Consume minimal amounts of these foods that are bad for your kidneys and your body in general: red meats, diary products, caffeine containing drinks, foods containing white flour, sugary snacks, and other high fat foods.
Get your blood tested for creatinine levels every year, or more often if your doctor thinks it is necessary.