How to Dissolve Crystals in Your Urine

Crystals in the urine are formed from varieties of salt buildup in the kidneys. The salts, xanthine, calcium oxalate, cystine and uric acid become highly concentrated due to extremely low levels of urine or high levels of crystal-forming salts. Unable to dissolve, the concentrated salt loses liquid and forms crystals in the ureter or bladder. If these crystals are not flushed from the body, they crystallize into kidney stones called nephrolithiasis. The signs and symptoms include lower back pain, edema (water retention) and kidney pain. The make-up of the stones determines how quickly they will dissolve or the remedies needed to dissolve them.

Things You'll Need

  • 8 ounces unfiltered organic apple juice
  • 20-30 drops Hydrangea root tincture
  • Optional:
  • 1 capsule Ginger root
  • 1 capsule Gravel root (Queen of the Meadow)
  • 10-15 drops Marshmallow root
  • 20-30 drops Bearberry (uva ursi)
  • 1 capsule Parsley
  • Items for prevention:
  • 100 g Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium oxide
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  1. Process

    • 1

      Consult your physician before starting any cleansing regimen.

    • 2

      Purchase ingredients from a supermarket, pharmacy or health food store, depending on how many of the optional items you plan to use.

    • 3

      Drink 1 cup of the apple juice with Hydrangea root tincture three to four times daily for three weeks. If you have a history of kidney stones, take it for five weeks instead of three weeks.

    • 4

      Drink plenty of water daily to flush the toxins from your body. The process needs a lot of fluids to cleanse the inside of the body and may take the form of juice, and water used in variation to produce a gallon of urine daily.

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