Vegetable & Oil Kidney Stone Cure
Dietary Therapy
More than 85 percent of kidney stone sufferers pass their kidney stones through urination during the first 72 hours. You need to visit your doctor if your symptoms persist and increase. Kidney stones can be cured with medicines and surgery, but a home remedy is to change your diet. Start by analyzing what you are eating. Make a diet plan and stick to it. Eat fiber-rich green vegetables such as beans, celery and all leafy vegetables accept spinach. Celery has the nutritional strength to break calcium compounds, thus preventing the formation of kidney stones in your kidneys or gall bladder. Reduce your consumption of spinach, cauliflower and broccoli. Eat at least three to five servings of green leafy vegetables in their raw state every day. Another vegetable that should form a main part of your new diet are radish leaves. You must soak radish leaves in water and eat them twice a day. You need to eat root vegetable such as potatoes and yams on a regular basis. These vegetables can also be consumed in rice dishes and salads.
Consume fresh tomatoes and carrots every day. The former are antioxidants, which prevent the collection of uric acid and calcium in one area in your kidneys. In addition, magnesium-rich foods provide essential proteins and vitamins to build inner resistance. This vegetable diet also helps to smooth blood flow in the digestive and urinary tract.
Cooking Oil
Change your cooking medium. Switch to a pure and light vegetable oil or olive oil. Drinking fresh lemon juice, 2 oz. mixed in 2 oz. of virgin olive oil, reduces symptoms of kidney stones. Consume the mixture daily with a glass of water.