How to Use a Dialysis Catheter As a Line
Things You'll Need
- Gloves
- 2 Alcohol pads
- Sterile 10cc syringe
- IV medication bag with tubing attached
Accessing the Dialysis Catheter
Wash hands and don gloves.
Use either port of the catheter to infuse medicine; hold the port with your thumb and forefinger. With your other hand, use an alcohol pad to wipe the port clean. Do not let go of the port or it will become contaminated when it touches the patient’s skin or clothes.
Use your free hand to connect the syringe to the port. Draw back 10cc of blood; this blood contains heparin, which keeps the line patent. Lay the syringe on the bed or another flat surface.
Clean the port again with another alcohol pad. Attach the IV tubing to the port, and program the IV pump. Discard the 10cc syringe in the red biohazard box.
Disconnect the tubing when you are done infusing the medication. Flush the catheter with 10cc of saline and heparin to keep the line open.