Treatment for Mild Kidney Impairment
When your kidneys are healthy, they process approximately 200 quarts of blood daily into about two quarts of extra water and waste products (urine), according to National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK).
With mild to moderate kidney failure, your kidneys are unable absorb water from your urine. Thus, your kidneys can’t reduce the amount of urine or concentrate it, according to Merck.
Since kidney failure develops gradually, so do your symptoms. For instance, with mild kidney impairment you may only notice nocturia. This is an increased need to urinate during the night.
Treating Underlying Conditions
With mild kidney impairment, underlying conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure that are causing your CKD need to be treated. For instance, if you have diabetes you’ll need to exercise and take your medication consistently, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Additional Treatments
Another treatment for mild kidney impairment involves changing your diet. This includes restricting fluids, phosphorus, salt, protein and potassium, according to Merck. Also, antibiotics may be prescribed if a bacterial infection is causing your mild kidney impairment.
To extend your kidney function, you should avoid pain pills that can make your CKD worse, according to the NIDDK.