Non-Prescription Drugs That Treat UTI & a Kidney Infection
What Is It?
The Mayo Clinic states that a UTI generally begins in your urethra or bladder and travels up into your kidneys. If not treated promptly, it can permanently damage your kidneys.
According to, over-the-counter medications such as AZO contain the analgesic phenazopyridine, which relieves pain, burning and urgency but does not treat the infection.
According to, Cystex is an over-the-counter medication that contains methenamine, an antibacterial, as well as sodium salicylate, a pain reliever. This antibacterial agent may not work on moderate infections.
The most effective treatments for UTIs are prescription antibiotics such as Levaquin, Bactrim, Septra, Suprax, Floxin and Cipro. If you want to be sure to get rid of the infection, this may be the best treatment.
Over-the-counter medications are best for relieving the discomfort associated with UTIs, but not to get rid of the infection. In order to not damage your kidneys, seeing a physician is highly recommended.