How to Spot Kidney Failure Symptoms
Get a yearly physical done with blood work.
If your physician does a thorough job of analyzing you during a physical, initial stages of renal failure or kidney failure can show up in blood work. It will not be conclusive, but will lead to other tests which will confirm or disconfirm the diagnosis.
Watch for signs of anemia.
Fatigue, paleness of skin color, shortness of breath in exercise, or other signs of anemia may be kidney failure. Symptoms such as these could be related to other conditions, but should be tested to discover the cause. Kidney failure leaves waste in the blood and makes the production of red blood cells more difficult, thereby reducing oxygen carrying capability.
Pay attention to itching skin.
If kidney failure symptoms go unnoticed eventually waste build up in your arteries and veins will cause your skin to itch and become irritated. See a physician if you have consistently itching skin.
Take note of swelling.
Since the renal failure is an inability to remove fluids from the body it may cause swelling in the ankles, hands or other extremities. Report any unexplained swelling to your physician as it may or may not be a sign of kidney failure.
Watch for changes in urine.
If your urine becomes frothier than normal, darkens considerably, or becomes considerably lighter than normal it may be a sign of a problem with your kidneys. A more troubling symptom is the urge to urinate without an ability to do so.
* See more tips on kidney failure symptoms and renal failure below.