Natural Kidney Pain Relief Food
Cranberries and cranberry juice have long been known to assist with bladder infections, and are very healthy for the kidneys as well. Cranberries can raise the acidity level of your urine, which then enables it to kill off bacteria in the urinary tract, bladder and kidney; the body then flushes it out. Cranberries can also be very useful in dissolving kidney stones. If you drink cranberry juice, make sure it is the pure and unsweetened kind.
As drinking lots of water is important to kidney health, not surprisingly the high moisture content of watermelon makes it an excellent natural food in assisting kidney function. Watermelon is most effective when eaten by itself so that it passes through your system quickly, and is one of the safest diuretics. Watermelon seeds can be used to form a tea that can stimulate the kidneys and assist in breaking up kidney stones.
Grapes and Celery
Both grapes and celery are useful not only in assisting with existing kidney ailments, but also as a preventative. Regular celery intake can help prevent the formation of kidney stones for those who are prone to them, and grapes are both rich in water and and low in albumin and sodium chloride, which can contribute to kidney problems. Make them both a staple of your diet to promote healthy kidney function.
Red Bell Peppers
Red bell peppers contain lycopene, an antioxidant that can protect against cancer. They are also very rich in vitamins A, B-6, C and folic acid, all of which are good for the entire body as well as the kidneys. They are low in potassium, which is always preferred when experiencing kidney problems.
Egg Whites
Egg whites are a superb protein source, without the phosphorus contained in other protein sources such as egg yolks or red meat. They also contain all the essential amino acids. Egg whites are a healthy add-on to tuna or garden salad and can help your kidneys stay healthy and avoid kidney pain.