Pain Control for Polycystic Kidney Disease
Abdominal pain from PKD can be caused by bleeding into cysts, cyst infection and tissue-stretching caused by growing cysts. Headaches related to PKD can result from abnormally high blood pressure or the development of ballooned blood vessels in the brain (aneurysms).
Advanced PKD is a common cause of kidney failure. Related pain may indicate progression of the disease or signal the potential for life-threatening complications from an aneurysm.
Abdominal Pain
Mild PKD-related abdominal pain is typically treated with over-the-counter medications containing acetaminophen (Tylenol). Severe pain is treated by surgery to drain the fluid from cysts.
Headaches caused by high blood pressure can be controlled through lifestyle modifications or blood pressure medications. Aneurysms may need to be surgically repaired.
Surgery to drain cysts may provide only temporary pain relief. A PKD sufferer with recurring or serious headaches should talk to a doctor before using any medications.