How to Repair Kidney Damage
Manage all underlying health problems diligently. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure or other conditions that impact kidney health, you need to take all medications as directed and follow all of your doctor's instructions regarding self-care and lifestyle changes. Taking the appropriate measures to treat these conditions can improve kidney health.
Check with your health care provider before using any sort of medication, including over-the-counter drugs like pain relievers. Certain drugs can negatively affect kidney function and will worsen already diseased kidneys.
Take all medications related to your kidney damage as directed. You might need to take medications to control your blood pressure, treat anemia and address other conditions brought on by kidney damage.
Work with a nutritionist, ideally one who has experience with kidney disease, to design an eating plan appropriate for your condition. Eating a proper diet is very important when you have kidney damage. You will need to monitor your intake of protein, cholesterol, sodium and potassium. Your doctor can help you find an experienced practitioner.
Talk to your doctor about liquid consumption. In the early stages of damage, drinking lots of water can be beneficial, but if your condition is more advanced you will need to limit your intake. Your doctor can offer guidance on how much liquid is appropriate for you.
Do not drink alcohol.