Kidney Dialysis & Patient Education
RenalWeb MD
RenalWeb MD continually updates educational materials in an effort to empower patients on the care and treatment of dialysis.
Topics on RenalWeb MD
RenalWeb MD offers 18 topics of research, articles, how-tos and discussion on dialysis.
Davita, a for-profit website, offers more than 10 categories of education on dialysis; including the basics, treatment and emotional issues surrounding dialysis.
Dialysis Patients
This organization believes that education is the key to having a successful dialysis experience. The website includes information on how dialysis works and other health concerns and living with dialysis.
Your Physician
Even though a wealth of information on dialysis is available online, your best resource is your physician. He should be able to inform you as to why you need dialysis, what dialysis consists of, how dialysis will affect your day-to-day life and what the prognosis of dialysis is.