How to Help Kidney Function
The best way to ensure that your kidneys continue to function optimally is to reduce the likelihood of developing kidney disease. There are two simple ways to do this. First, do not abuse drugs and alcohol. (See Reference 2 - "prevention section") This includes over-the-counter pain medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. (See Reference 2 - "prevention section") Second, if you have a chronic medical condition that increases your risk of kidney disease (such as high blood pressure), follow your doctor's recommendations with respect to treating the condition. (See Reference 2 - "prevention section")
If you have been diagnosed with a kidney disease, it is likely due to a chronic underlying condition. (See Reference 2 - "treatment section") According to the National Institutes of Health, the two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. (See Reference 1) In order to improve your kidney functioning, you will need to treat your underlying condition. Treatment will vary depending on the underlying condition, but may include taking medications. For example, people suffering from high blood pressure are commonly prescribed angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. (See Reference 2 - "treatment section")
Reconsider taking herbal remedies to improve kidney functioning. According to the National Kidney Foundation, herbal supplements may be unsafe for individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease. (See Reference 3) Many herbs that serve as diuretics, such as juniper berries and bucha leaves, may actually cause kidney irritation and damage. (See Reference 3) Moreover, some herbs, such as St. Johns Wort and ginko, may interfere with the medication that you are taking. (See Reference 3) Consequently, it is important to consult your doctor before taking an herbal remedy.
Change your daily diet. A balanced and healthy diet can improve kidney functioning. This includes eating fruits, vegetables, pulses, and nuts. Moreover, consuming water is important to maintain optimal kidney functioning. According to doctors at the University of Pennsylvania, it is important to consume as much water as you lose per day (roughly a quart-and-a-half or 4 to 6 glasses).
Considering drinking red wine containing resveratrol. According to researchers from the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Panjab University in Chandigarh, India, resveratrol improved kidney functioning in diabetic rats. The effect of resveratrol on kidney functioning has not yet been tested on humans.