What Helps Kidney Stones?
Drink water
You should drink plenty of water to prevent future stones from forming. Aim for three to four quarts per day. Drink more water on hot days to prevent dehydration from excessive sweating. If you already have a stone, the water will often help the kidney stone pass.
Low-protein diet
Since prevention is the best way to help kidney stones, limiting the amount of protein you eat might help prevent dealing with more in the future. Talk to your physician to determine the minimum amount of protein you need to stay healthy.
The group of B vitamins are okay to take when you have a history of kidney stones. Be careful when taking supplements that contain calcium. Some supplements will aid the formation of kidney stones.
Lithotripsy uses shock waves to blast the kidney stone into tiny pieces. The fragments will then pass through the body with the urine. Anesthesia will be used. This procedure can be done as an outpatient.
If the stone is in the ureter, the urologist can remove it by snagging it with a tiny basket attached to a scope. This is an outpatient procedure. This is most often used with stones close to the bladder.