Instructions for a 5-Day Kidney Detox
Five-Day Instructions
Each morning when you wake up, drink 8 oz. distilled water. This is thought to flush out any leftover 'junk' from your system that was left overnight. Within an hour of waking each morning, prepare a drink consisting of the juice of one lemon or lime, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and distilled water. You can add maple syrup for better taste if you wish. Throughout the five days of the kidney cleanse you are allowed to drink diluted vegetable juices and herbal teas. Most five-day kidney detox programs instruct you to drink one 8 oz. glass of water per hour. Breakfast each morning should consist of fresh fruit or fresh vegetable juice. Lunch each day can consist of diluted fresh raw vegetable juices and raw vegetables in salad form. Options for snacks throughout the afternoon could include raw vegetables and herbal teas. On the fifth day you are to follow instructions for the first four days; however, in the afternoon you can have a small vegetable salad and fruit.
Potassium Broth Recipe
At any time during the day until 6 p.m. you are allowed to have a potassium broth as well. The potassium broth will help flush your whole system of toxins and detox your kidneys. In a large pot full of distilled water simmer potato peelings, carrot peelings, whole chopped beets, cloves of garlic and celery for one to two hours. Make sure all your vegetables are organic.