End Stage Renal Failure Pain Management
Normal pain management usually relies on powerful pharmaceuticals. In the case of renal failure, many drugs worsen the condition leaving doctors and patients struggling to balance quality of life with responsible medical practices.
Herbal Support
Use pain-relieving herbs to help manage chronic pain. Herbs don't have the dramatic effects of drugs, but they are safer for long-term use. Create an effective pain remedy by mixing equal parts of tinctures of St. John's wort (use a tincture made from the flowering caps), skullcap leaves, fresh oats, and licorice root. Add a few drops each of ginger rhizome and vervain leaf tinctures.
Take two full droppers daily.
Alternative Therapies
Try reiki (energy healing) or touch therapy. Practitioners of these methods believe that they stimulate the body's natural energy currents to relieve pain. Studies of these two methods are limited, but both are absolutely safe and do work well for some people.
Find a good acupuncturist. The number of studies supporting acupuncture as an effective pain management tool continues to grow. Acupuncture helps stimulate your nervous system and triggers the releasing of pain inhibitors like endorphins.
Eat a diet rich in fiber and low in inflammatory foods. Many processed foods trigger low levels of inflammation throughout your body. With a condition like renal failure, this systemic inflammation can increase your feelings of pain. For the best results, eliminate processed foods and eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes. Choose lean, high quality proteins and use oils that have a balance of healthy fats. Olive oil and peanut oil are both good choices.
A number of studies show that omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish oil and coenzyme Q10 supplements can help ease chronic pain. In fact, preliminary studies show that CoQ10 may slow the progression of kidney failure and help to support remaining function.
Stress Management
Chronic pain triggers an ongoing stress reaction in your body. Take steps to manage your stress response and you may see an improvement in your pain levels. Meditation, journaling, or specific hobbies you enjoy are three strategies that help cut down on stress.
Pharmaceutical Options
Renal failure may trigger such severe pain that drugs are necessary. Methadone and fentanyl are the safest pain-relieving drugs to use with decreased kidney function.