Ways to Increase Kidney Function
Maintaining a healthy diet can improve kidney functions. Stay clear of foods that are high in salt, sugar, or fat. As these types of foods are hard for the body to process, the kidneys have to work more diligently and it takes longer for kidneys to digest the foods. Eat foods that contain high amount of nutrients such as vegetables, lean meats, grains, and fresh fruits.
Also, consume at least six glasses of water daily. Drinking plenty of water not only helps flush out wastes, it also lowers the risk of kidney stones
Exercise can also increase kidney function. Exercise helps decrease blood pressure and raises sensitivity to insulin. A lack of insulin leads to diabetes and high blood pressure and can result in kidney failure. By exercising regularly, you can improve your resistance to diabetes and high blood pressure and increase your kidney functions.
Through detoxification, you can improve your kidney health. Detoxification helps eliminate toxins from the body. Toxic elements can penetrate the body through the air we take in, the foods we consume, and water we digest. Toxins are also found naturally in the body through digestion processes. To keep kidney functions at a high level and maintain good health, toxin removal is often necessary. To detoxify your kidney, watch your sugar and salt intake. Drinking fresh fruit juice can help with cleansing your system, as well as digesting organic fruits and vegetables.