Chinese Medicine for Kidney Pain
Qi Stagnation Type
This a treatment option for pain brought on by small kidney stones. Its aim is to promote circulation of the qi (life force) and induce diuresis, which is the increase of urine production by the kidney. By using various herbs and plants, such as rhubarb, radish seeds and pyrrosia leaf, the body is cleaned and the stones dislodged.
Damp Heat Type
This method involves diluting lysimachia, prostate knotweed, Chinese pink herb, talc, phellodendron bark, Cape jasmine fruit, plantago seed, rhubarb and licorice root tip in water and drinking it. This method is best for treating more serious cases, in which the patient sees blood or pus in his urine or has a fever.
Kidney Deficiency Treatment
For weakened kidneys, drinking a mixture of prepared rehmannia root, wolfberry fruit, dogwood fruit, achyranthine root, bighead atractylodes rhizome, eucommia bark, cinnamon bark, pilose Asiabell root, lysimachia and climbing fern spore can help clean and restore strength to the kidneys.
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture therapy can also aid in relieving kidney pain, as this process releases painkilling endorphins that attack the source of the discomfort.
Electrotherapy is also an effective form of Chinese medicine helpful in easing kidney pain. The same acupuncture points are used, though an electrode is used to stimulate the body to speed healing.