Low Phosphorus Diet for Kidney Disease
Low-Phosphorus Diet
If you have chronic kidney disease or are undergoing kidney dialysis, your doctor may recommend a low-phosphorus diet to help keep excess levels of phosphorus in your blood from causing bone loss or heart problems. Ideally, phosphorus levels should stay between 3.5 and 5.5 mg/dL. If your blood phosphorus levels measure higher than that range, ask your doctor or dietician about starting a low-phosphorus diet. In addition to a low-phosphorus diet, the doctor may prescribe medication or calcium supplementation.
If a doctor prescribes a low-phosphorus diet for your kidney disease, avoid foods high in phosphorus. Balance your diet and maintain proper nutrition by working closely with a dietician to substitute healthy foods in place of those that you avoid. Keep in mind your doctor may recommend additional modifications to your diet, like lowering sodium, potassium and protein.
On a low-phosphorus diet, avoid all dairy products. Choose rice milk or non-dairy creamer instead. Eat fruit ices or sorbets instead of ice cream for dessert. Use broth or water when making soup instead of milk or cream.
Avoid whole grain bread and pasta. Eat white bread, white rice and white pasta instead. Choose low-sodium crackers made from white flour, white bagels and English muffins. Eat prepared wheat germ or grits instead of oatmeal. Check the nutrition information for sodium and potassium levels if your doctor has asked you to limit those as well.
Avoid all legumes and dried beans and peas. Do not eat peanuts or soybeans or products made with soy. Fresh wax beans and green beans make a delicious salad or soup alternative. Avoid baked beans. Eat fresh vegetables like carrots, summer squash, and asparagus. Choose air-popped popcorn seasoned with herbs instead of salt as a snack instead of peanuts.
Avoid chocolate and cola drinks. Satisfy your sweet tooth with hard candies or jelly beans instead. Choose ginger ale or lemon-lime soda. Drink freshly brewed iced tea instead of canned or bottled teas.
Do not eat organ meats. Avoid seafood high in phosphorus such as oysters and crawfish. Choose lean meats such as fish, turkey, chicken, and beef. Eat meat in small portions if your kidney disease diet limits protein in addition to phosphorus. Season your meat with herbs instead of salt to reduce sodium.