How to Support Kidney Function
Supporting Your Kidneys
Exercise regularly. Exercising regularly will help keep your body healthy and in shape. Obesity is a leading cause of diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure. Exercise also promotes a healthy heart and blood pressure, which is good for your kidneys as well.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day, and try and stick to purified water as opposed to tap. Tap water can contain high metal content and these metals can be damaging to your kidneys' health.
Another step to healthy kidneys is getting the right amount of vegetables and fruits, which provide your kidneys nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants. The best fruits for your kidneys are dark fruits, such as prunes and cranberries, that are heavy in antioxidants. Get three to four servings of both fruits and vegetables daily.
Lower your intake of salt and high-sodium foods. Salt can raise blood pressure, and high blood pressure can be taxing on your kidneys and contribute to kidney failure in the future. Try to avoid high-sodium fast food, greasy foods or fried foods.
Limit your alcohol intake. Heavy drinking, especially over a long period of time, can damage your body greatly. Alcohol raises blood pressure, can cause obesity and can lead to diabetes, which can all cause your kidneys to fail.
Watch your protein intake. While protein is an important part of a healthy diet, if you eat too much it can overwork your kidneys. To find out how much protein your body needs, talk to your doctor.