How to Check a GFR
Things You'll Need
- Lab report
Inspect the lab report for the serum creatinine level. This test will show the quantity of creatinine present in the blood. Creatinine is a waste product that comes from creatinine and is found in muscle tissue. This test will measure how effectively the body is expelling creatinine. If the test shows a high concentration of creatinine, it indicates the kidneys are not expelling enough out. The creatinine is measure in milligrams per deciliter and the normal range is .8 to 1.4 mg/dL.
Locate the glomercular filtration rate (GFR) on the test. The test will use your sex, serum and creatinine level to determine this number. A normal range of GFR is 30 or higher.
Look for the letters BUN on the lab report. This is the blood urea nitrogen measurement and shows how much nitrogen the blood contains. Normal levels are between 7 and 20 mg/dl.