Signs & Symptoms of Lupus

There is no diagnostic test specifically for lupus, making it difficult to diagnose. The disease develops slowly, and the symptoms come and go, further impeding definite identification.
With serious complications of major organ systems, systemic lupus can be fatal. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.
  1. Autoimmune Disease

    • Lupus is an autoimmune disease, simply meaning that the immune system mistakenly identifies normal body tissue and fights it as if it were an invasive foreign body, such as bacteria or a virus.

    Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

    • Cutaneous lupus affects the skin. Included in the several types are:
      - Chronic cutaneous LE (CCLE), or discoid lupus
      - Subacute cutaneous LE (SCLE)
      - Acute cutaneous LE (ACLE)

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

    • Systemic lupus is the most severe type of lupus and can involve the joints, lungs, kidneys or blood.
      Identical symptoms of systemic lupus are unlikely in any two patients. Systemic lupus with active symptoms is called a flare. When few or no symptoms are present, the patient is said to be in remission.

    Drug-Induced Lupus Erythematosus

    • Medicines such as procainamide, hydralazine and quinidine taken continuously over several months or years can sometimes produce symptoms of lupus. Once these drugs are discontinued, the symptoms will disappear.
      There is no test for drug-induced lupus.

    Neonatal Lupus

    • Neonatal lupus is very rare and is not systemic lupus.
      Neonatal lupus is caused by maternal autoantibodies being passed. It can affect the skin, blood or heart of the fetus.

    Symptoms of Lupus

    • Symptoms of lupus include:
      - Pain in the joints
      - Persistent fever over 100 degrees
      - Fatigue
      - A butterfly-shape rash across the cheeks and nose
      - Chest pain with deep breathing
      - Anemia
      - Protein in the urine
      - Sensitivity to ultraviolet light and the sun
      - Loss of hair
      - Problems with blood clotting
      - Seizures
      - Ulcers in the mouth or nose

    Causes of Lupus

    • The cause of lupus is unknown. Studies of trigger factors and genetic makeup are ongoing.

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