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How to Deal With Lupus Fog
Lupus isn't only a complicated physical disease, but it can really impact your mood, feelings and outlook on life. Some people get lupus fog, a feeling of fogginess that lasts for seconds or minutes. The information you need is in your brain but you can't seem to retrieve it and simple tasks may become very difficult.Instructions
Consider behavioral counseling, concentration strategies, going to speech or physical therapy and learning methods for relaxing your mind and body.
Know that lupus fog happens more often if you're under stress or in a flare. Keep lupus fog to a minimum by dealing with potential stress in a healthy way and preventing flares.
Write in a lupus diary. This will help you track when you experience fogs and what you were doing at the time. Also, write down what you did to deal with them.
Ask your doctor about medication. You can take medicine to ease the depression or tiredness that makes it hard to think. Doctors are testing dementia medication to see what its affect is on lupus fog.