How to Live With Lupus
Avoid environmental triggers. Some materials in the air and your surroundings can trigger lupus flare-ups. Talk to your doctor about how to find out more about triggers. Common environmental things to avoid include fumes from cleaning agents, hair dyes, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet light and excess alcohol.
Get enough sleep, as insomnia has been linked to lupus symptoms in some people. You should aim for eight to nine hours each night, but don't stay in bed too long. A sedentary lifestyle can increase the chance of arthritis due to your lupus.
Reduce stress. There is no real way to avoid stress completely, but you should take steps to reduce it. Stress can cause your lupus to worsen, so try methods such as meditation and light exercise to cut some stress out of your life.
Watch your diet--there are many food ingredients that are proven triggers for lupus flare-ups in some people. Try to eat as naturally as possible: avoid sugar, saturated fats and heavily processed and preserved foods. Check out patient stories at the Disease Proof website. See the Resources section below for a link.
Take an omega-3 oil supplement. Commonly found in fish, omega-3 is a natural substance that helps your body fight inflammation. Look for fish oil pills, which are usually rich in omega-3 oil.