How to Put Borax on the Skin for Lupus
Things You'll Need
- 1/4 tsp. Borax
- 1/2 tsp. baking soda
- 1 liter of water
- Small bowl
- Non-latex gloves
- or
- 1/2 cup Borax
- Tub of lukewarm water
Create a Borax paste Mix together 1/4 tsp. of Borax, 1/2 tsp. of baking soda, and 1 liter of water in a small bowl. Stir consistently until it forms a paste-like substance. You may wish to use nonlatex gloves to protect hands from becoming dry from the solution.
Apply to skin Rub mixture onto skin in a circular but gentle manner. Be sure to cover the entire area to be relieved. No need to apply the solution to your whole body -- only those parts where a rash is apparent. Use nonlatex gloves to protect your hands if they are prone to dryness.
Soak in a Borax bath Mix 1/2 cup Borax with a bath filled 3/4 of the way with lukewarm water. Stir mixture around with your hand. Soak in the solution for approximately a half hour. Be sure to put hair up and keep water solution away from face. Pat skin dry with a clean, dry towel.