Cerebral Lupus Symptoms
Individuals suffering from cerebral lupus, as well as the more common systemic lupus, may find that they suddenly bruise easily. This type of illness-related bruising is often caused by a low platelet count in the blood because the body's autoimmune system attacks healthy platelets as well as those that have been infected with viruses or bacteria. Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are responsible for blood clotting, and the inability to clot properly will ultimately lead to increased or more severe bruising.
Fatigue is a very common symptom among patients dealing with all forms of lupus. This particular symptom should be treated very seriously. If the level of fatigue a patient feels increases he or she may be suffering from anemia or another illness-related infection and should seek immediate medical attention.
Individuals suffering from lupus are more then twice as likely to suffer from headaches as the average person. While these migraine-like headaches are often treated with traditional medications, such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories, the headaches suffered by those with lupus may also be treated with prednisone--a treatment that does not usually work for those suffering from traditional migraines. Headaches can be experienced by any lupus patient but are often a signal that a patient has cerebral lupus.
Weight Loss
Individuals suffering from both systemic and cerebral lupus may experience weight loss. This symptom is more common in individuals who have active lupus and experience frequent flareups. The reason for the weight loss is usually complications in the GI tract because of illness-related infections.
Seizures are not a very common symptom but more often than not point toward cerebral lupus. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if a patient suffering from lupus has seizures. While they may be indicative of the development of cerebral lupus, they may also be a side effect of other lupus medications, and a doctor will need to either alter the dosage or change the medication.
Memory Loss
Individual suffering from cerebral lupus tend to have memory problems. These problems are caused when a patient's antibodies begin attacking her central nervous system (CNS). This symptom should be closely monitored as well because it may also be a side effect of the medications a patient is taking to treat his lupus symptoms.