Symptoms of Systemic Lupus
Facial (Malar) Rash
A classic symptom of systemic lupus is a red rash extending over the bridge of the nose and cheekbones that resembles the shape of a butterfly. The rash can cause swollen capillaries, but usually does not scar the face. Sunlight can aggravate the rash or cause it to flare.
Arthritic Pain
Ninety percent of systemic lupus patients suffer from arthritic joint pain that can be accompanied by inflammation. The joint pain can last for hours or several months and varies in severity. It can affect just one joint, or it can move from joint to joint and flare intermittently. Systemic lupus arthritic pain often happens in the morning and gets better through the day, but it may return in the evening.
Most systemic lupus patients run a low-grade fever caused by inflammation, rather than infection. In an acute lupus flare, the fever can be more than 100 degrees F.
Systemic lupus patients may develop vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels. The symptoms of vasculitis are red welts and bumps on the body that may ulcerate and are quite painful. Vasculitis can occur in any organ such as the stomach, heart or genitals.
Raynaud's Phenomenon
Raynaud's phenomenon causes reduced blood circulation to the fingers and toes, brought on by cold weather or stress. It is an inflammatory response that narrows the blood vessels, causing spasms. Gangrene of the digits can occur in acute cases.
Other Symptoms
Symptoms differ from patient to patient with systemic lupus, and they can be wide ranging, depending on what organs are being affected by the inflammation. Additional symptoms include fatigue, chest pain, ankle swelling, kidney disorder, anemia, painless mouth ulcers, upset stomach, bruising, seizures, altered personality, dry mouth, sleeping difficulties and hair loss.