Skin Lupus Symptoms
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, skin lupus symptoms can result from each of the three main types of lupus: systemic, discoid and drug-induced. With systemic lupus, the immune system attacks organs. Cutaneous lupus mainly targets the skin, the body's biggest organ. Discoid lupus causes rashes and lesions, or ulcers, on different parts of the body. Rashes, which are among the reactions a lupus patient can have to certain medications, disappear when the patient quits taking the drug.
The butterfly or malar rash derives its name from its butterfly-like shape that covers the cheeks and extends over the bridge of the nose. Discoid lupus causes rashes and lesions that appear on the body. Hair loss can result from discoid lupus on the scalp. The butterfly rash can be pale or deep red and raised or flat. Another form of skin lupus is mouth sores or ulcers, which are usually painless.
Facial rashes can be recognized by the distinct butterfly shape across the cheeks and bridge of the nose. Discoid rashes, which can have a whitish look because of scaling, are coin-shaped and can ulcerate and scar. These rashes can be found most typically on the chest, scalp, ears, back, arms and legs and sometimes on the face. Discoid rashes can be diagnosed through biopsy. Mouth sores are red and white sores that occur on the tongue, roof of the mouth, gums and inside of the cheeks.
The first line of treatment for skin lupus symptoms is corticosteroid as a cream or an injection to the site. These treatments help reduce swelling and redness substantially. Consistent use of sunscreen helps avoid rash breakouts caused by exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light. For more difficult cases of skin lupus symptoms, argon laser treatments have been found to successfully diminish rashes and lesions.
One of the most important precautions a lupus patient can take against skin lupus flare-ups is to avoid the sun by using sunscreens and protective clothing. Skin lupus symptoms can be managed successfully with a lifestyle that includes eating healthy, getting regular exercise, managing stress and getting lots of rest. Prescribed drugs can help keep symptoms in check by reducing inflammation. With proper care and management techniques, patients can go years without experiencing skin lupus symptoms.