Treatment of Rife
What it cures
Rife treatments can be used with or without other medical procedures and therapy. It is proposed as a drugless option to treat the cause of the illness not only the symptoms. Rife therapy can be used to possibly treat conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fever, arthritis, bronchitis Candida, glandular influenza, tonsillitis and many other illnesses. Those that have used this method of therapy for chronic illnesses such as fatigue have reported increased energy after Rife therapy. This type of therapy also claims to treat emotional and mental patients. The first Rife machine was used on tuberculosis, arthritis, and ulcers patients.
How it works
The Rife treatment is said to support the body by using resonant frequency to detoxify the body and build a healthy immune system. Bacteria, viruses and other harmful organisms typically have weak outer cell walls, the Rife treatment uses the frequencies of an ultra-sound to kill harmful germs. The ultra-sound that is used is less intense in frequency than the ultra-sounds used for pregnancy. This procedure is a drugless, non-invasive, method of healing. No damage to healthy tissues have been reported and it does not damage the skin. Rife therapy usually lasts from five to ninety minutes a session. The patients will have electrodes on their hands or feet that scan the body for harmful ailments which then are targeted by resonant frequencies to break down the bacteria or virus outer cell walls. After the break down of the harmful cells, they are believed to die which leaves behind toxins in the body. It is important to detoxify after each session to allow the body time to dispose of these toxins from the blood stream
Rife therapy is relatively new and has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the American Medical Association (AMA). Although Rife therapy patients have claimed to have improved health after using this treatment, there is little scientific evidence to prove that this form of treatment actually works. The side effects of Rife therapy are unknown. Today's Rife Machine are different than the original built in the 1930's, the original machine was not patented at the time.