Lyme's Disease Symptoms
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the first symptom of Lyme disease is usually a circular rash. The rash typically begins at the site of a tick bite three to 30 days after the bite occurs. The rash gradually spreads over a period of several days. Some rashes stay small, about the size of a dime, while others reach a diameter of up to 12 inches. The rash often resembles a bull's-eye pattern because the center clears up as the rest expands. The rash is not painful, but may feel tender and warm to the touch.
Flu-Like Symptoms
Persons with Lyme disease often develop flu-like symptoms along with the rash. These include fever, chills, fatigue, severe headaches, body aches and swollen lymph nodes. Some people with Lyme disease experience only the flu-like symptoms and not the rash.
Joint Pain
If the infection of Lyme disease is not treated, it can spread to other parts of the body within a few days, weeks or months. Severe pain and swelling in the joints usually develops, often shifting from one joint to another. The joints affected most, according to the Mayo Clinic, are the knees.
Neurological Complications
Various neurological problems can develop in persons with Lyme disease. Some of the most common include inflammation of the membranes around the brain (meningitis), temporary paralysis of one or both sides of the face (Bell's palsy) and numbness, pain or tingling in the hands or feet. Other complications include weakened muscles, difficulty concentrating, memory problems and interrupted sleep.
Less Common Symptoms
Some less common symptoms of Lyme disease include hepatitis, eye inflammation and extreme fatigue. Heart problems, such as an irregular heartbeat, sometimes occur several weeks after being infected, but these usually last only a few days or weeks.