Garlic for Treatment of Lyme Disease
For people who spend time outdoors or live in wooded areas, contracting Lyme disease is a concern. According to information from the Mayo Clinic, Lyme disease symptoms include rash, aches, joint swelling, chills, and fever.
Lyme disease is caused by wood ticks that carry bacteria from feeding on animal blood. Lyme disease can be transferred to humans through a wood tick bite. First, remove the wood tick and consult a physician for specific Lyme disease tests. If a reddish bull's-eye mark appears on the skin after a Lyme disease test is given, it is an indication that you may have contracted Lyme disease.
Garlic has been used as a repellent for wood ticks, lice, and mosquitoes for years. Many believe that garlic's natural strong odor and taste are unpalatable to the insects. Garlic contains medicinal properties that help cleanse the blood, benefit heart function, and act as natural types of antimicrobial agents, killing unwanted bacteria.
Garlic with Physician Treatment
Garlic used in combination with a physician-prescribed treatment for Lyme disease has been shown to be effective for many people. Some recommend using garlic in combination with other herbs, such as thistle, mountain mint, ginseng, lemon juice, and other herbal blends. Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed for the treatment of Lyme disease by physicians.
Consult a physician if you are concerned about Lyme disease. Some herbal homeopathic remedies that are recommended can be dangerous or even cause poisoning or other adverse effects if taken without consulting a physician first. Bismacine, also called chromacine, should be avoided as an herbal remedy for Lyme disease, as it can cause heart and kidney failure. Using garlic or any type of herbal blend for treatment of Lyme disease alone or in combination with other prescription medicines can be dangerous if not approved by a licensed doctor.