Alternative Solutions for Lyme Disease
Early Treatment
Because Lyme disease is caused by bacterium, antibiotics are highly effective during early treatment. Prompt detection and antibiotic treatment is key to counteracting Lyme disease before more serious or chronic symptoms develop. Alternative treatments may help relieve the discomfort of flu-like Lyme disease symptoms or the rash that develops at a tick bite site, but should not substitute for prompt medical attention. Alternative solutions can minimize unpleasant gastric side effects of antibiotic treatment. Eat pro-biotic yogurt, drink green tea or herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint and drink natural ginger ale to settle your stomach.
Complementary Solutions
If Lyme disease is not eliminated immediately with antibiotic treatment, it can impact many systems in the body. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends using alternative solutions to complement traditional medical treatment of ongoing Lyme disease-related health issues such as arthritis, neurological issues and heart problems. Complementary alternative treatments may include consuming garlic--fresh or in supplements--to boost the immune system, drinking green tea and eating a diet rich in antioxidants to help bolster heart health and fight inflammation, and using acupuncture or massage therapy to relieve aches, pains and fatigue.
Furthermore, strong doses of intravenous antibiotics may be necessary to counter the continuing Lyme disease bacterial infection if it was not detected promptly. These antibiotics are more likely to cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, than the oral antibiotics treatment used when Lyme disease is first contracted. These more serious side effects can be diminished with complementary alternative nutritional and herbal treatment. Eating crystallized ginger can help with nausea. Oatmeal, whole grain breads and nutritional yeast in orange juice or sprinkled on popcorn can help combat nausea and provide an extra dose of vitamins.
Alternative Remedies
For people who can not take antibiotics due to other health concerns, as well as people for whom multiple courses of antibiotics have been unsuccessful in eradicating the Lyme disease bacterium, alternative treatment may be the only available option. Herbal supplements or teas like echinacea and cat's claw can help boost the immune system's ability to fight infection.
While the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies against Lyme disease has not been scientifically proven, naturopathic doctors can recommend homeopathic treatment to diminish many ongoing Lyme disease or post-Lyme disease symptoms. Omega 3 oils, B vitamins, and Co-enzyme Q-10 have been reported to strengthen general health and to help diminish the effects of persistent Lyme disease in some people. Be advised, however, that the Food and Drug Administration warns against taking injections of bismacine, which is sometimes recommended by alternative health practitioners as a Lyme disease treatment. Bismacine injections may result in kidney or heart failure.