Homeopathic Treatment for Lyme Disease
Homeopathic treatments
Homeopathy uses the body itself to heal based on the premise that a diseased state will be reversed when your body's defenses become strengthened and activated. Homeopathy works by helping the immune system recognize that it's being attacked and then fighting against invading bacteria, thus creating the body's own immunological defense. Homeopathic treatments are similar to vaccines in that they are composed of miniscule amounts of the organism that is causing the infection, thereby using the same toxin to fight the invading mechanism.
While Western medicine is concerned about finding a quick cure, homeopathy focuses on the long term, getting your immune system back in balance to ensure no relapses. Heat therapy works well for Lyme disease. The patient raises his or her body temperature to 102 degrees two times per day for up to 20 minutes using a sauna, hot tub or steam bath with diaphoretic tea. You'll also need miasmatic, or long-term, and symptom-relief remedies. When you are well, you will need a constitutional remedy to enhance your immune system. Some of the remedies for the early stages are sepia, sulphur, tellurium, carioca, kalmia and pastille. According to homeopathy, using a total approach toward all symptoms is the only path for treatment. Homeopaths also recommend using herbs, as they accelerate the response of the immune system. People can't build up a resistance to herbs like they can to antibiotics.
Not everyone has the same symptoms with Lyme disease. Symptoms will most likely show up approximately seven to 14 days after the bite. A rash looking like a bull's eye is one of the trademarks of this disease. According to Mayo Clinic, it starts small and can grow to 12 inches. You might also experience flu symptoms, joint pain, and neurological problems like temporary paralysis, memory loss, mood changes and a change in your sleeping pattern. Less common symptoms include irregular heartbeat, hepatitis or even eye infections.