How to Diagnose Listeriosis
Listeriosis is a bacterial disease caused by ingesting food that has been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Listeriosis can contracted by anyone. However, pregnant women, fetuses, newborns and adults with weak immune systems run a much higher chance of contracting the disease. What can feel like a simple stomach flu can lead to septicemia (blood poisoning) or meningitis (inflammation of the covering of the brain and spinal cord). Determining whether or not you have ingested food contaminated with listeria can lead to quickly being prescribed the needed antibiotics.Instructions
Complete a blood and urine test. This is often the most effective method of helping doctors to detect whether or not you have been infected by the bacteria.
Provide a CSF culture and spinal fluid sample. These procedures will help doctors to determine if the Listeria bacteria is the cause of a meningeal infection.
Have amniotic fluid tested if you are pregnant. Providing a amniotic sample will allow doctors to detect the presence of the Listeria bacteria in the placenta and check for any compromising effects the disease may have had on your fetus.