Natural Things to Increase Serotonin

Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body responsible for controlling mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction and other functions. Serotonin is primarily found in the gastrointestinal tract. The remainder is located in the serotonergic neurons where it serves many functions. If your body does not produce enough serotonin, you can suffer from insomnia, depression, migraines and anxiety. Medication can replace serotonin but you can also choose natural ways to replace the chemical in your body.
  1. Foods

    • Foods rich in carbohydrates can increase your body's serotonin level. When carbohydrates are consumed, your body's insulin levels increase, causing your body to create and release tryptophan into the brain. Tryptophan, in turn, causes the body to create serotonin. Some of the healthiest carbohydrates to eat are barely, oats, buckwheat, yams and squash. Some meats are also high in tryptophan and may increase the production of serotonin. These meats include chicken, white fish, lean pork, turkey, dairy products and some beans.

    Omega 3

    • Omega 3 oils are found in fish as well as supplements that are serotonin-boosters. Eating fish or taking an omega 3 supplement enhances the production of serotonin as well as having other benefits.


    • When you sleep, your body increases production of all hormones, including serotonin. The recommended amount of sleep for most people is eight hours a night, but each person is different and may need more or less sleep to produce serotonin in the proper amounts. If you have questions about sleep habits, consult your physician.


    • Have you ever wondered why a beautiful sunny day makes you feel good? Exposure to sunlight causes your body to produce serotonin in greater quantities. This is also why places around the world that do not have as much sunlight have higher rates of depression and suicide than sunnier locales.

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