The Size of Hookworms
Hookworms are parasites living in the small intestine. Ingesting the hookworm larvae is the most common way to develop a hookworm infection, however, most hookworms can enter through the skin as well. Immature and adult hookworms attach themselves to the small intestine of the host and suck blood. Hookworms may detach from areas of the small intestine and reattach in other areas. The ends of female and male hookworms are bent and resemble a fishing hook.
Infected dogs and cats pass hookworm eggs into their feces. Hookworm sizes vary, depending on the species. Egg size ranges from 55 micrometers (um) to 90 um, however, some species such as the U.stenocephala lay larger eggs.
Adult Hookworms
Adult hookworms that infect dogs and cats, vary in size. Adult hookworms are often as small as 0.4 millimeters (mm) to 0.5 mm. Larger hookworms range from 10 mm to 20 mm.