Different Ways to Cleanse & Detoxify the Body
Eight Glasses of Water
Never undervalue the health benefits of water.Water may not be as flavorful as juices and soft drinks, but with regular consumption, it'll help flush toxins from your body. These toxins escape through urination. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day keeps the kidneys active and promotes urination.
Healthy Colon
Too little fiber in your diet can trigger conditions such as an impacted colon or constipation. Keeping waste inside your intestines increase the amount of toxins in your body. On the other hand, regular bowel activity and colon cleansing release trapped waste and help improve your colon's health. A daily fiber supplement increases regularity, or you can use a colon cleanse system to help detox and cleanse your system. Use fiber supplement and colon cleanseers as directed.
Release Toxins through Sweat
A hot bath or relaxing in a sauna for a few minutes a day helps detoxify and cleanse your system naturally. Heat from both activities opens the pores and promotes perspiration. Sweating helps release excess water, salt and toxins from your body.
Increase Blood Circulation with a Massage
There are countless benefits to body massages. Aside from relieving muscle tension and stress, massages stimulate the lymph nodes and increases blood circulation. An increase in circulation improves the body's filtration system. Better filtration results in a cleaner bloodstream and the release of built-up toxins.
Go Organics
Selecting "green" household products cuts down the number of toxins in your home. Additionally, purchasing food and drinks from organic supermarkets reduces the amount of foods you consume with hormones and preservative that can have a negative impact on your health.