How to Boost Blood Circulation
Make a list of the factors that may be affecting your blood circulation. Increased risk of bad blood circulation may be caused by smoking or a having heart problems in your family history. Quitting smoking is an important step you can take to boost blood circulation.
Check for the signs of poor blood circulation. Symptoms include a change in your legs' color, festering sores on your feet, toes and legs, changes in your toenails and hair loss on your legs. Schedule a physical exam with your doctor. She can run a few blood tests to get the proper diagnosis, and give you a prescription of what steps to take to boost your blood circulation.
Follow your doctor's orders. There can be a lot of causes for poor blood flow, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood clots. If your doctor prescribed medicine, fill the prescription and take it as directed. If your doctor recommended surgery, make the appointment. Surgeries sometimes associated with poor blood circulation can include angioplasty or bypass, depending on your diagnosis.
Eat heart-healthy foods or those rich in Omega-3. Eat a lot of raw fruits and vegetables. Refrain from eating foods that are high in cholesterol content or saturated fat. Eat mackerel, salmon, flaxseeds, soybeans and walnuts.
Exercise to keep a steady supply of oxygen in your muscles. Your doctor may prescribe a specific exercise plan or routine that is appropriate for your physical condition and age.
Take good care of your feet by wearing well-fitting shoes. Use socks to help boost blood circulation, and to avoid infections. Wash your feet every day and trim your toenails carefully. Avoid walking barefoot.