Alternatives to Preparation H
Self Care Alternatives
Cold compresses, frequent soaks in a warm bath or a sitz bath, frequent cleaning of the anal area, not scratching the anal area, avoiding laxatives, regular bowel movements, cotton undergarments and avoiding pressure on the anal area by sitting on an inflatable ring can all help alleviate the discomfort of hemorrhoids. The use of colored or perfumed toilet paper can also irritate hemorrhoids; refrain from using them if at all possible. You may also wish to consider moist towelettes as a substitute for dry toilet paper.
Oral Medications and Herbs
Over-the-counter oral medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve the discomfort and pain of hemorrhoids. Herbs can also give relief, but you should only take them under the supervision of doctor, since some herbs can interact with other medications. Witch hazel applied topically, soaked on a pad and applied to the anal area or used in a sitz bath may temporarily shrink or reduce hemorrhoidal symptoms. Goldenrod can be applied topically and the herb yarrow can treat bleeding hemorrhoids.
Dietary Changes
Chronic constipation and straining to have a bowel movement can lead to hemorrhoids. Dietary changes to avoid constipation include eating more fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains; drinking at least eight glasses of fluids daily (not including alcohol); and regular exercise. Adding probiotics or friendly bacteria such as bifidus and lactobacillus to the diet can also help to prevent and treat hemorrhoids.
Medical Procedures
When all other options have failed, you may wish to consider a formal medical procedure to remove hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation is the placement of a rubber band around an internal hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply causing the hemorrhoid to fall off. Sclerotherapy shrinks the hemorrhoid by injecting a chemical solution around the blood vessel. Infrared coagulation treats small hemorrhoids by burning the hemorrhoidal tissue. A hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the hemorrhoid and the overlying skin.