What Are Endoscopes Used for?
Performing a biopsy skips the need for surgery. According to Medical News Today, the most common use for endoscopies is in the detection of cancer. An endoscope can perform delicate procedures without the need for surgery. For example, an endoscope can be inserted into your lungs to extract lung tissue without needing to open up your chest.
Upper Digestive System
An endoscope can examine medical conditions pertaining to your esophagus, stomach and your small intestine (or duodenum). If you suffer from chronic nausea and vomiting, your physician can use an endoscope to determine the cause of your illness. An endoscope can even be used to treat problems of your digestive tract such as bleeding within your stomach or the removal of polyps.
Palliative Treatment
According to the American Cancer Society, endoscopes can be used in the treatment of cancer. Pain associated with cancer that has progressed beyond treatment methods can be alleviated with the use of an endoscope. Blockages can be removed and constricted airways can be opened with the use of an endoscope.
An endoscope can be used in surgical procedures. Endoscopes can help in the assistance of surgeries. An endoscope can be used during a tubal ligation, when the fallopian tubes are tied. Small tumors can be removed. A gallbladder can also be removed with the assistance of an endoscope.
Endoscopes can be used in imaging testing. In an ultrasound, a transducer (a wand) is placed over the skin to pick up an image. With an endoscope, the transducer is placed on the end of the endoscope and inserted either into your mouth and into your digestive tract or into your rectum. The endoscope can then take detailed images of organs and tumors.