Is Facial Swelling Treated With Steroids?

Facial swelling can start with no warning. A person may seem perfectly healthy and wake up with a swollen face on either one or both sides. The swelling can be both frustrating and cause discomfort. The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology states that there are steroid treatments such as Cortisone that can help someone experiencing facial swelling.
  1. Causes

    • Face swelling can happen as a result of an allergy or sensitivity to some food, chemical or natural products such as pollen, dust or mites. Such swelling also results from Kimura's disease, a non-painful swelling of the neck or face. The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center states that this condition is more prevalent in Asians and young adults.


    • Treatment for facial swelling depends upon the cause and whether or not the swelling continues. If allergies or some type of sensitivity causes the face to swell, removing the source of the irritant can often alleviate the problem. Some steroids can also cause facial swelling. Once the problem is alleviated, the face returns to normal.


    • For many, the swelling of the face and neck is critical and requires immediate medical attention, especially when the outside swelling is accompanied by the throat swelling closed, making breathing difficult. Seek medical attention immediately if this is the case.

      In cases of Kimura's disease, a form of steroids called corticosteroids are often prescribed by a doctor to reduce swelling symptoms. Cortisone can also be used to reduce the tenderness and swelling associated with inflammation. In some cases, surgery may be a possible remedy. Always consult your doctor for advice and treatment options.

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