How to Fix Irregular Periods
Reduce stress. Persistent stress and anxiety can stop menstrual cycles or cause irregularity. Learn ways to relax and cope with stressful situations such as deep breathing. Relinquish responsibilities if you feel overwhelmed, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your doctor about natural supplements to calm anxiety and nerves.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Improper nutrition can affect menstrual cycles. Eat four to six small healthy meals a day (fruits, vegetables, and plenty of protein such as meat, eggs or dairy). Losing excessive weight may also prompt irregular periods.
Lower the intensity of your workouts. Staying in shape and maintaining a healthy body weight is good, but too many strenuous workouts can cause irregular menstrual cycles.
Ask about hormonal supplements. Consult a doctor and discuss the option of taking supplements to help regulate your periods.
Rule out other medication conditions. Illnesses such as polycystic ovary disease and inflammatory bowel disease can induce irregular periods. See a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.