How to Eliminate Nicotine Cravings
Choose smoke-free locations. The smell of cigarettes can trigger nicotine cravings. Avoid places such as bars, clubs or restaurants that permit inside smoking. Also, ask friends and family to avoid smoking in your presence.
Stay active. Regular physical activity through exercise or playing sports can reduce nicotine cravings and distract your mind. Go for a 30 minute jog, walk or bike ride.
Find other distractions. Keeping your mind busy or active is another effective way to fight nicotine cravings. Discover a hobby or craft, read a book, start gardening or organize/clean your house until the urge passes.
Stimulate your mouth. Take your mind off nicotine and cigarettes by chewing on gum, sucking on candy or eating nuts.
Get support from friends and family. Joining a local or online support group for smokers can help curb a nicotine addiction. Share and read tips on how others coped with cravings, and employ their suggestions in your life. If cravings are intense, call up a relative or friend and make plans to talk or enjoy recreational activity outside the house.