How Do I Detox Cigarettes from the Body?
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Organic fruit juice
- Organic vegetable juice
Drink lots of water. Our bodies need water in order for us to survive. Increase your water intake beyond the recommended eight glasses a day. Sipping on clear, cold water relieves the desire to smoke and helps flush toxins from your system.
Sip fresh squeezed orange juice or fresh lemonade throughout the day. It curbs the appetite, suppresses the need for a smoke and is loaded with vitamin C.
Drink carrot juice. You can prepare your own with a juice machine, or you can buy organic carrot juice at natural food stores. Drink four ounces of carrot juice twice a day. Add fresh grated carrots to salads and soups.
Take healing herbs that support detoxification. Practitioners of natural medicine recommend Mullein to soothe a cough or irritated lungs. Mullen, a wild herb found in most parts of the United States, supports the respiratory tract. It calms inflamed nerves in the lungs and suppresses spasms. It loosens mucus in patients who suffer from bronchitis and asthma. Tablets are available at health food stores, or the plant may be gathered in the wild and dried and used as a healing tea.