How to Lift Shoes for a Short Leg
Process for Lifting Shoes
Get a complete and thorough exam to determine if you have anatomical or functional leg-length issues or a combination of both. You also need to know which leg is shorter and by how much, preferably in millimeters. If your leg length discrepancy is greater than 12 millimeters, you cannot use heel lifts to lift shoes.
Choose whether to use heel lifts, orthotics (shoe inserts to adjust biomechanics), lifted shoes or get custom shoes made. Heel lifts are better for a true anatomical leg-length issue, according to Dr. Arthur B. Gross, a private practice chiropractor and expert on leg-length deficiencies. Orthotics can work in combination with heels lifts if you have a combined problem. If you wear a particular pair of shoes all the time, adding heel height to these shoes is an option. You can get custom shoes with increased heel height if the other options do not suit you. Consider leg-length-discrepancy cause, budget, and convenience when deciding which option is best for you.
Try your newly lifted shoes around the house first. Make sure that you can walk comfortably without stumbling or significantly altering your walk. Check that the lifted shoes do not cause pressure points on your foot. If you have elected to use heel lifts or orthotics, try them in different pairs of shoes for fit and comfort. Wear the shoes for several hours at home before testing them outside of the house. For orthotics, you might need to wear them for a limited time each day to get used to them.
Have a professional re-check leg length while you are wearing lifted shoes. The professional can make or suggest adjustments to improve fit.