How do I Remove Fungus With Zetaclear?
If you are not at risk for complications of nail fungus, you may try treatments at home. Don't expect immediate results; you may need to wait a few weeks for improvement.
Things You'll Need
- ZetaClear
- Adhesive bandages
- Emery board
Place a drop of ZetaClear solution in the center of your nail.
Spread the solution with the applicator tip to thoroughly coat your nail. Move the applicator tip gently under your nail to apply solution there.
Apply a bandage to the nail. Position it so the gauze pad is over the end of your toe or finger and each sticky side runs parallel down the top and bottom of your toe or finger. Wrap a second bandage around your toe or finger, perpendicular to the first bandage.
Apply the solution three times daily and after you bathe.
File your nail gently with an emery board about twice per week. Scrape off loose nail debris.