Hemmorrhoid Cures
Cures for Relieving Hemmorhoid Symtoms
Warm baths help relieve hemorrhoids Keep the lower rectum area clean, especially when someone has hemorrhoids. This can be accomplished by having a few daily warm baths as well as cleaning the anus area after each bowel movement. Gently wipe the anus with moist toilet paper or cotton pads. Ice packs can also help reduce hemorrhoid swelling, as can over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream. Aspirin, acetaminophen, cortisone creams, petroleum jelly and hemorrhoid suppositories can help with hemorrhoid symptoms. Always seek professional medical advice before self treating.
Rubber Band Ligation
Rubber band hemorrhoid cure. Rubber Band Ligation is a cure for hemorrhoids that can either be performed in a doctor's surgery or in a hospital under general anesthetic. The procedure involves an experienced medical professional tying a hemorrhoid or several hemorrhoids at the base with rubber bands. This delicate procedure cuts the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, making the hemorrhoid shrink and die off in seven to ten days. This can be a painful procedure and requires medical expertise and possible medication.
Injection therapy for hemorrhoids. Sclerotherapy or Injection Therapy for hemorrhoids is used for hemorrhoids that are bleeding internally. A doctor injects a hardening solution known as a sclerosant into the lower part of the hemorrhoid. This treatment shrivels the hemorrhoid by collapsing the vein walls within the hemorrhoid.
Infrared Coagulation
Infrared probe hemorrhoid cure The hemorrhoid cure known as Infrared Coagulation or IRC can be easily performed by a doctor in a doctor's office. There is no anesthetic required for infrared coagulation. The doctor uses an infrared probe to place infrared light around the hemorrhoid area, enabling shrinkage of the hemorrhoid, after coagulating the hemorrhoid veins.
Surgical hemorrhoid cure. A Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes hemorrhoids. Patients are required to have anesthesia. This procedure involves the tying off of the inner hemorrhoid vein before the hemorrhoid is removed. Patients who receive a hemorrhoidectomy usually go home the same day.