White Iodine Risks
Iodine Allergies
Severe iodine allergies may require a patient to carry an "epi pen" in case of emergency. Iodine allergies are rare, but the potential risks could be life-threatening. General symptoms of an iodine allergy include nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes. More severe cases can result in anaphylactic shock, including swelling of the throat and an increased heartbeat, which requires immediate attention. Iodine allergies can typically be treated with over-the-counter antihistamines. Or, with more severe cases, doctors may prescribe an epinephrine injection in instances of emergency allergy attacks.
Possibility of Overdose
Children are more sensitive to iodine overdose than adults. Iodine overdose is rare, but children can be especially sensitive to it. Symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, and in more severe cases, shock or seizures. Iodine intake should be closely monitored, and only as directed by a doctor.
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Autoimmune attacks mean your body is left defenseless. In some cases, introducing too much iodine into the body can trigger autoimmune disease, caused by the thyroid lowering or stopping hormones from being produced. This in turn can leave the immune system vulnerable to an autoimmune attack.
Slowed thryoid can mean hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid is under-active, so hormones are not produced as rapid enough rates. Hypothyroidism leaves people feeling sluggish and can result is weight problems and slower body functions. High levels of iodine have been linked to this condition, as the body begins to reject iodine when it is presented with too much. Without enough iodine being processed within the thyroid, it slows down, which can result in hypothyroidism as a condition.
Associations with Thyroid Cancer
High iodine levels can mean increased risks of thyroid cancer. Studies have shown that iodine can be a factor in increasing a person's chance of thyroid cancer, but typically only if that person has a family history of thyroid cancer or an increased risk before taking iodine supplements.