Remedies for Bad Body Odor
Personal Hygiene
It's no secret that daily showers and baths can help remedy bad body odor. However, taking a shower or bath isn't always enough to get rid of a strong odor. Add an antibacterial bath or shower gel to the water to rinse bacteria, germs and other impurities from your body. Apply an antiperspirant and deodorant to underarms and reduce sweating and odor. Apply baby powder to odor-prone areas such as the feet and between the toes. Feminine hygiene sprays can reduce bad body odor in women. It also helps to shower and change your socks and underwear after physical activity.
Modify Your Diet
Certain foods such as onions and garlic add seasoning to foods and enhance the flavor. However, if you consume these foods or seasonings on a regular basis, their scents can escape your body through sweat and produce a bad odor. Keep a food journal to determine whether your diet contributes to bad body odor. If so, cut back on odor-producing foods and use alternative seasonings.
Detoxifying helps expel toxins and bacteria from your body that can trigger a bad odor. Sweating is an effective way to remove odor-causing bacteria from your body. Participate in physical activity to induce sweating or relax in a hot sauna to promote sweating and help alleviate bad body odor.
Wash Your Clothes
While daily bathing is essential to fighting bad body odor, washing your clothes regularly also plays a role in odor. The underarms of shirts can have a lingering odor, which intensifies when your body temperature rises. Regularly wash your clothes in detergent or have the items professionally cleaned to alleviate odors.