What Is the Definition of Collagen Fibers?
Properties of Collagen
Collagen is a special type of tissue. Its characteristics make it incredibly flexible. It can bend without tearing due to its high tensile strength. The strength of collagen makes it the perfect substance to hold bones together and attach muscles to bones.
Fiber Arrangement
Collagen fibers are found all over the body, and they provide different functions based on the arrangement of the fibers. Fibers arranged in a crisscrossing pattern form a meshwork that provides support against movement of internal structures. Also, fibers are arranged in bundles of parallel fibers to form thick bands. Collagen provides lateral elasticity while allowing little straight ahead movement due to its high tensile strength.
Major Collagen Locations
While collagen is found all over the body, there are a few places that it is found in abundance. In bones, osteocytes--bone cells--live in between collagen fibers and secrete a calcium-based substance. This substance causes the collagen to harden into bones. Collagen fibers are the primary material in tendons (bundles of fibers that attach muscles to bone) and ligaments (bundles of fibers connecting bone to bone). Connective tissue is made primarily of collagen fibers.