How Do I Donate Plasma in Everett, Washington?
Things You'll Need
- Social Security card or government-issued identification card
Schedule an appointment with one of the Everett, Washington plasma donation centers. These include the Puget Sound Blood Center, Plasma Lab International, and Biomat USA (see the Resource section of this article for contact information).
Complete the screening process as requested by the plasma donation center. Some of Everett's centers require a form to be filled out, while others require an in-person interview. Questions will be asked regarding your age, medical history, and time of last donation.
Prepare for your donation. Everett donation centers ask that you eat a healthy, well-balanced meal, and drink lots of water the day before and the day of your donation appointment. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, whole milk, fried food, cheese, hot dogs, and any other fatty, high-cholesterol foods 24 hours prior to donation.
Arrive to your appointment on time. Your appointment should take around an hour. Once complete, you will be required to sit and relax for at least 10 minutes while drinking fluids.
Drink plenty of water and juice afterward, to help your body replace the plasma you donated. Plasma is restored in about 24 hours, while the red cells replenish within a few weeks.